Our Partners
Since 2017, we have been working closely with community partners to futher the mission of bringing value to our products through social impact. By working with institutions and organizations which are people focused, we have created a value chain that furthers education and impact at all levels.Lehigh University has supported this venture since its establishment, by investing resources, and human knowledge and expertise. In 2022, we worked directly with Lehigh University's P.C. Rossin College of Engineering & Applied Science to develop a design plan for building a more optimized well to capture and store water better.
The African Diaspora Alliance, based in Baltimore, USA, has been a key partner for us in various ways by being a distributor for our shea butter, using our supply chain as an educational resource for students, as well as bringing members to Ghana with us to participate in the shea production process.
Lastly, Udeesa Systemics & Technology has been a strong partner in developing innovative technology to enhance the learning process of our shea butter production process by using augmented reality. They have created virtual tours of Bobotiaroh Farms, where our shea is collected and distributed from, and hosted it on their website.